Monday, January 25, 2010

faded from the winter.

Its 8ish am, and i am listening to iron and wine and making some tazo tea. something i just realized: if i go to bed at 10:30, i'm not tired at 6:30 and can go run for an hour and a half, come back home, write a blog post, take a shower, watch regis and kelly, and read before going to work at 11:30.
i always have a sort of fantastical idea about morningthings. i really love them. ask jake, im always so pathetic the night before, because in my head, i need to go to bed in order to be able to get up in the morning. even if im not tired and even if we just rented a movie.

now especially, things will be different because Conan's gone.
i cant even talk about it.
ok i will for just a second.
i sent in a written complaint to nbc. which i wont tell you what that network now stands for.
jake and i last semester would watch the tonight show and late night every night. it was our thing. we would cook a pizza and watch leno and falon. but last summer when conan took over, it was a whole new ordeal. we scheduled things around the tonight show. and even if we werent watching it together, we were both watching it, and we'd text each other or call eachother about it.
the only good excuse for not talking on the phone to your boyfriend when you havent talked to him all day: jake, conan's on.
anyways, its special to me. ive given the tonight show with conan obrien a little pedastal in my fond memory supply... (what a lame sentence...)
in tangent news, i cried hysterically during the last show:

“Here’s what all of you have done, you’ve made a sad situation joyous and inspirational,” he said. “Please do not be cynical. I hate cynicism. For the record, it’s my least favorite quality. It doesn’t leave anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard, and you’re kind – amazing things will happen. I’m telling you. Amazing things will happen.”

and in notsotangentnews, its kcook's birthday!!! she's an incredible photographer and i like her veryveryverymuch!!! her photoblog will leave you feeling warm and smiley. i hope i can finish our paper that we both have due tomorrow, so i can come celebrate with everyone at cabana!! sooo, happybirthdaykelley!!!

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