Friday, April 16, 2010

The Road

I am taking a brief hiatus from working on my thesis to offer some sage advice. If you are like me, and get really excited about getting in bed early and reading some before going to sleep, PLEASE, be sure that you are not reading The Road. Last night, was 28 days later all over again. I was actually crying I was so scared. I would have called Jake but i was pretty sure he was asleep, and wouldn't be helpful, and I was irrationally terrified of reaching for my phone, which was outside the perimeter of my bed, and therefore in a cannibalistic non-safe zone.
I become uncharacteristically insane when I'm scared. I can't sleep and I wake up in sweats from really terrible dreams.

I was kind of, at first, excited about reading this book and then watching the film. but now, after being 100 pages in, I promise you, I WILL NEVER WATCH THIS MOVIE.

The book, I will finish--it really is beautiful-- just during daylight. with supervision. and I encourage others to read McCarthy, because he really is, as always unbelievable---I love, in particular, the conversations between the boy and his father:

What would you do if I died?
If you died? I would want to die too.
So you could be with me?
Yes, so I could be with you.

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