Wednesday, May 19, 2010

oh wow. I haven't posted in forever, and I just did a breeze through and the majority of my last posts were about shoes. I promise, for now at least, we are done with shoes.

So last week I graduated. Commencement is always a big deal at Vanderbilt. Which to be honest, it should be. There are a lot of events/parties, geared towards the parents that are kinda equivalent to "thanks for the 200 grand over the last four years, it was worth it, and here's a party to prove it." Regardless though, it was fun. A bit stressful at times, but fun.

We went to graduation dinner at Lime. Which was fun/interesting. My dad is just very much not the same as he used to be and its just weird. I know he and Jason had gotten into it before the rest of us had gotten there. and i know Jake was kind of on edge for the whole time.
Honestly, its so much better when both my parents arent involved in things together.
The whole turner family dynamic is dead, and there isnt really a new one.

My grandparents gave me money for graduation. And it was alot more than what they can afford and I started crying like a baby at the table. They have been the single force of stability in my family, and I just know that I could not function as a "Turner" without them.
Yes, they are my dad's parents but they are my moms too. they live around the corner in Chevaux and we are with them all the time. Jake always says that they are the best people on the planet. And that my grandfather is sooo great and awesome. and I wholeheartedly agree. They will do anything for the grandkids. And I know thats true for most grandparents, but seriously, they do it everyday. I love them so much. And I think they are so fantastic.

After Lime we went to Saucer. Will Peeples, my new favorite human (who also just got into Vandy law), my friends and their parents, and my dad, Jason, Jake, and Kaley. My dad left eventually and also left us kinda spinning over some of the stuff he had said. But then it turned into Jake's birthday which he seemed to thoroughly enjoy.

He's the thing for me, ya know.

Commencement morning (we had been praying for the rain to hold off) was soooooo hot and muggy. I literally have never been so sweaty in my whole life. Its just sad because I cant stand most of the pics from graduation because I look soooo gross and sticky.

but I walked across the stage, shook Zeppos hand, and it was worth it. SOOOO worth it.

then everyone but Kaley and Jase left. and it became Jake's birthday for realllz.

On Saturday, I said goodbye to the G-35. and hello to a new 2010 Honda Accord.

and now I'm in Little Rock. which if you hadn't heard is wedding centralclustercuss. Honestly, three people from my graduating class are getting married this weekend, and though I am beyond excited for Tay's wedding and standing up there with her, the statistics kinda make me want to vom.

ALSO: I have had Firehouse 2 days in a row. And I will argue with anyone in the world that it kicks Subway, Jimmy Johns, Lennys (barf), and Quiznos asssssss. Though I am shocked and sad that my Markham/Chenal one closed. Im also sad Fernau closed. and that little rock closes things at 10 in general.

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