Wednesday, February 17, 2010

dudley doo right.

mary and i received last place at trivia night at sams. in our defense, though you can imagine how difficult this issue remains, because i love winning. and i like to think i am really good at things, but in our defense, we were the only two person team. in fact, we were the only under 5 person team i remember seeing. we were counting on jake and nate to come, but they didnt. which was dumb. well, they had dumb reasons for not coming.
jake and nate literally know something about everything. i dont even look things up, internet passhawwww, i just call them. and if jake doesnt know he calls nate.

regardless of their skrilllz though, they didnt come and the only question i got right was:
what was dudley doo right's day job.
i answered mountie without skipping a beat. wtf.
mary had never heard of dudley doo right. but i know everyone of you has seen the remake with brendan frazier. dont even be shy.

other questions that the smith brothers would have made cry:
roger federer's first grand slam win, the movie with ray liota, marissa tome, and john travolta, quagmeyer's (sp?) profession on family guy, what two us cities have hosted the olympics twice, song lyrics, nirvana album cover, us president when the Challenger exploded, what month congress takes a vacation.

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